Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Frank The Tank

       I've never had a blog before. To tell you the truth I didn’t even know what one was until my kid had to explain it to me. I just felt as if I needed to share my story and this seems to be the way to do it now-a-days. If you or someone you know is going through hard times in life that are directly tied to being overweight, then this blog is for you. It's a constant mental and physical battle that you honestly can’t relate to unless you’ve been there. You've just got to remember that you’re not alone, and you CAN'T GIVE UP!
        Growing up I was often referred to as Frank the Tank. Now as cool of a name as that sounds it doesn't exactly boosts one’s self esteem. Needless to say I was a bit on the chunky side. Now don't get me wrong, being on the plus side had its advantages. Such as, not getting bullied from the fear of being sat on, and known for being excellent at warming up the bench during football games. I moved on to high school and I soon realized that the extra pounds I was sporting around was not exactly the best chick magnet. Luckily for me my metabolism was on full blast when I hit my teens and it was nothing to shed the pounds.
        Twenty years down the road is a different story. It's like my metabolism went on a permanent vacation. When I got into my mid to late 30's everything changed. I couldn't keep the weight off. Nothing seemed to work. So I decided my only option was to become healthier. Quitting smoking was the first step. This caused me to gain even more weight, so I never was able to feel the benefits of quitting that nasty habit. So I tried various diets and all I seen were short term results. I would lose 20 lbs and gain back 25. This seemed to be the case with all the diets I tried. I was feeling discouraged until my 2 youngest daughters were born. At that point I was determined to lose the weight. I wanted to be able to run around and play with them without feeling completely out of breath.
     Finally I feel like I’ve figured it out. Not only am I losing weight I’m also experiencing a mental clarity that’s changed my life. Don't worry, I'm not good at keeping secrets. I'll tell you all about it on my next weekly blog entry.